Re: motion notify event messages.

"Shane Miller" <SMiller1 stvgb org> writes:
That's what I thought.  Here's what I did.  I created the button and
wrote down the pointer returned (136791384).  Then I created the
ENTRY control and wrote down the pointer (136977848).

When I held the left-mouse button down on each one and moved the
mouse, I observed the GTKWidget value passed into the callback,
along with the GDKEventMotion's X and Y coordinates.  The widget
value was always the value that was returned from the creation of
the control (the pointer value 136791384 or 136977848). However, the
X and Y values were either relative to the control (the entry
control) or relative to the Button's parent (the gtkwindow).

Any thoughts?  

Make a small test case we can look at, we'll take a look.
Hard to speculate on what might be wrong without seeing code.


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