focus on a GtkCList


I have got another question for you about GtkCList objects...

I've got two windows :
        - window1 where there is a GtkCList object whose selection mode is
'browse'. When I press the enter key on a selected row, I go to the window2
        - window2 where there is a label and when I press any key I come
back to window1

The functionnement I want to have is :
        1 - create the window1 with rows in the GtkCList object 
        2 - select a row on that GtkCList and store the number of the row
that is selected in a global variable
        3 - press the enter key but store the number of the row selected 
        4 - destroy the window1 
        5 - create the window2
        6 - press any key on the window2
        7 - destroy the window2
        8 - create the window1 with the row which was selected before going
into the window2 selected and the focus placed on that row 

It's OK until the 8's step.
It's OK for selecting the right row, but I can set the focus on that row.
Indeed, when I press the up or down arrow key, the focus is on the first row
of  the list even if it's the fourth row that is selected. 
Moreover, as my window is little, when the row selected is not on the first
page, I can't set the vertical scroll bar at the right place.

Can anyone help me doing that ??

Thanks very much for help,


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