Re: problem with gtk_signal_connect

My previous posting about gtk+ 2.0 marshaller seems to have the some symptoms 
that are described here.  Only i am not trying to pass something slightly 
different.   It was under my understanding that gtk_signal_connect didn't 
_need_ to be passed a gpointer,  just a pointer.   Please see my previous 
post titled "gtk+ 2.0 marshaller problems with passing non gpointer 

On Wednesday 03 October 2001 18:26, Mark Leisher wrote:
    Jean-Michel> I have probs to pass a structure (PlTerm) through a
    Jean-Michel> signal_connect as the argument of the function i want to
    Jean-Michel> connect to the signal it seems that the argument *goal is
    Jean-Michel> reinitialized when i fall in the function callback_signals

    Jean-Michel> Why ?

    Jean-Michel> void callback_signals(GtkWidget *widg, gpointer *goal) {

I think it should be "gpointer goal" and not "gpointer *goal".

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