Re: editing clist cells

On 2001.11.14 15:22 Markus Lausser wrote:

I have implemented a simple clist cell editor. What my program does is:
It creates a modal window with no decorations and a single entry and
it over the clist cell. The entry catches the activate and the
event and destroys the window on entry_activate or escape pressed.

My problems are now:
1) i'd like to destroy the window if the user clicks outside the
2) the user should not be able to move or lower the window.
3) the window should be moved if the clist (its main window) is moved.

Anyone has a solution? Or maybe another way for editing clist cells?
Is there a way to insert a _widget_ that overlaps the clist in gtk?
Anyone knows an app, that has implemented something like that?

Well I should let you know that there are modules for handling this
within code. Many programmers just watch for button_press_event on
the GtkCList and see which row and column it clicked on.

In which case the right button number is checked for or other timming
and a new toplevel window with no decorations and on GtkEntry widget
is mapped over the cell to prompt for a new value.

I know this isn't easy but it really the only way I've found to be
viable. It might be easier to implement if you provided a module
isntead of an external program for this?

The toplevel window should have no decorations and set modal, events
for unmapping are best done with signal callbacks and such. This helps
if the implementation was a module instead of a separate program.

--Taura Milana

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