Re: gtk+ or gtk-- ?

On Thu, 17 May 2001 xdufresne gmx fr wrote:

I want to write a prog using OpenGL and OpenCascade. As OpenCascade is a C++
library, is it better to use gtk-- ?
Which is the more stable, the more easy to use, the lighter, gtk+ or gtk-- ?
What's your opinion about these two versions of gtk ?

They aren't really 'versions' as such, GTK-- is a wrapper around GTK+.
Hence it follows that GTK+ is 'lighter' because it doesn't include the
extra wrapper bits that GTK-- does.  However, I don't think there is a
great deal of difference in speed or 'weight' between the two.

I personally much prefer using GTK+ (I really dislike C++), and I expect
most people on this list will prefer GTK+ (it is after all a GTK+ list).
Asking the same question on the GTK-- devel list will probably get the
opposite response.

The problem with interfacing with libraries written in C++ is that one
has to use C++ to do it.  GTK-- may be the better solution for this
reason.  On the flip side, GTK-- (and libsigc++ which it requires) are
extra dependencies for your app which users might not want to download.

I would suggest playing with each from within a C++ program.


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