Re: Hi, Glade problem (another question)

CFLAGS="whatever you want" <path>/configure [options]


A bit OT, but could anyone explain to me why the -g option is enabled
by default in configure scripts. I didn't notice until recently, I was
left wondering why things I compiled from source had such large filesizes
and ran so slowly. It seems crazy when no user is going to want it, and
even when developing I've not yet needed to wheel out the debugger. Is
there a good reason?

Anyway, on the subject of Glade, I'm using libglade to load my UI, but
I need each file my app uses to have its own copy of certain widgets.
I'm doing glade_xml_new for each file I load and creating the widgets
with glade_xml_get_widget. So when I close a file, I want to do something
like glade_xml_destroy, but there doesn't seem to be a function like that.
Am I leaking memory (I suspect so)? How do I free the memory associated
with a GladeXML object?

Thanks for any help,


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