Autoinstaller's me again. Yet another general question.

Do you think it would make any sense to create an autoinstaller? Something
like the thing you've got in Mac: you download a program, click on the icon
and whoosh! it gets installed all by itself. Preferably, the installer
would be a reusable piece of software, which allows the developer to easily
create self-extracting, self-installing archives. Also, it should update
the rpm / debian databases, and even if these tools are not available,
allow an easy uninstallation. What do you think about it?

There appears to be one problem, though. If you normally download a file,
it is not executable, so the user has to do chmod +x anyway (or whatever is
the GUI equivalent of doing so). Is there any way to circumvent this
behaviour? BTW, what happens if you click on a file called "something.rpm"
in GNOME or KDE? I'm using neither, so I couldnt know.


P.S. Sorry, I forgot to change the subject in my previous letter.

I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed. [Marvin]

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