Re: Pixmap tiled GtkEventBox with GtkLabel problem

"Tara M" <learfox furry ao net> writes:
I'm trying to tile a GdkPixmap on a GtkEventBox by setting it
on it's bg_gc and using gdk_window_set_back_pixmap().

The "expose_event" is used to notify a redraw, by that I just
have my event handler call gdk_window_clear() to clear the GtkEventBox's

But when the GtkLabel is then drawn, the GtkLabel re-clears the
GtkEventBox with what looks like the default background solid color
(light grey).

Is there a way to control GtkLabel and other widgets to `not mess
with their parents'?

Set the event box background properly by setting the GtkRcStyle with
gtk_widget_modify_style(), you need to do this anyway to survive theme


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