Re: to GList or not to GList?

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:22:00 +0530, Joshua N Pritikin said:

i've implement linked-lists about a million times, but i'm still confused.
 The GList structure is stored separately from the data.  What is the
 rationale for this organization?  Is it mainly for GINT_TO_POINTER & friends?
 To contrast, here is a linked-list implementation that must be embedded in
 the data object (see MIME attachment).  For example,
   struct mydata {
     pe_ring peer;
     pe_ring queue;
     gint hits;
     gint priority;

The GList is not for a specific data type, it's basically a
structure with two members, the member data is an opaque handle
that points to your actual data.

Since you have a structure called mydata, then you can
store it in a glist with

mydata *md = from_whatever;

glist->data = mydata;

So from then on glist->data will contain the (mydata *)pointer to
your structure.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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