label color (RcStyle vs. style)

        Suppose I have an 'F' function that changes the color of
        a GtkLabel according to an 'X' flag.
void F( GtkWidget label, int X_flag ) {
        GtkRcStyle      *rcs;

        rcs = gtk_rc_style_new();
        rcs->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = X_flag? one_color: other_color;
        rcs->color_flags[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] |= GTK_RC_FG;
        gtk_widget_modify_style( widget, rcs );
        gtk_rc_style_unref( rcs );

        The function is working just fine, but the problem
        is when I pass a label previously modified (its font
        and parent's background) by this function below:
G( GtkWidget    *bgwidget, GtkWidget    *label) {
        GtkStyle        *label_style;

        label_style = gtk_style_new();
        fnt = gdk_font_load(
                "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-240-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" );
        gdk_font_unref( label_style->font );
        label_style->font = fnt;
        gtk_widget_set_style( label, label_style );
        gtk_style_unref( label_style );

        I don't know why the label (previuosly passed to the
        'G' function) doesn't change it's font color when I
        pass it to the 'F' function (other labels does).

        The only solution I came out was to change the 'F'
        function to something like this:
void F( GtkWidget label, int X_flag ) {
        GtkStyle        *style;

        style = gtk_style_new();
        style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = X_flag? one_color: other_color;
        gtk_widget_set_style( widget, style );
        gtk_style_unref( style );

        But the font type is overwritten and I want to retain
        the previously modified font type.

        Any suggestions?
        Thanks a lot in advance.

                                               - Eduardo.

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