NewbieQ: Changing color on drawing primitives

Hello all,

I have been looking and mangling the scribble example program, my
objective is to just draw simple shapes to a drawable, at this point im
not worried about being able to draw with the cursor, just drawing
rectangles and such.

I want to change the color of a rectangle, in the scribble example,
'widget->style->black_gc' is used for the second argument of
gdk_draw_line(), which unsurprisingly draws a black rectangle, I have
changed this to white_gc with success, but not any other colors.

I would like to know what to define more colors in the GdkGC structure,
Im confused as to how the 'widget' structure got created in the first
place, is 'widget->style->black_gc' (and white) default?

An example code snippet would be greatly appreciated :)


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