Not intercepting clicked, enter, leave events in button with bitm ap


I'm using the GTK+ port of wxWindows, and am having a problem with button
events from GTK+.  I've already asked about this on the wxWindows mailing
list, but since it appears to be in the interface between GTK+ and
wxWindows, that list hasn't come up with any answers yet.

The problem is that in my application (which I am porting from wxWindows
for Win32 to wxWindows for GTK+), 3 out 5 callbacks for button events are
never called for the wxBitmapButton widget, which is basically a GTK+
button with a bitmap of some flavour on it.  The missing events are
"enter", "leave" and "clicked".  There is obviously something strange
my application is doing, because the wxBitmapButton works fine with GTK+
in a trivial sample application.

So... I am wondering if anyone knows under what circumstances these events
could fail to be intercepted.  One possibility is that my application does
a *lot* of reparenting.  The argument against that possibility is that
ordinary buttons appear to work correctly, and also that I couldn't
reproduce the problem by adding some simple reparenting to the sample

Any ideas/suggestions?



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