How to delete object?!

Hi to All!

I need _true_ delete function for GTK widget (i.e. GtkWidget* pr_dialog; an
so on).
If I call "gtk_widget_destroy" memory belongs to object is't become free -
only object's ref count is decremented.
So I try this:

        while( !GTK_OBJECT_DESTROYED( GTK_OBJECT(pr_dialog) ) )
                gtk_object_unref( GTK_OBJECT(pr_dialog) );

or this:

        while ( pr_dialog != NULL )
                gtk_widget_unref( pr_dialog );

or this:
        gtk_type_free( GTK_WIDGET_TYPE(pr_dialog), (gpointer)pr_dialog );

        gtk_type_free( GTK_DIALOG, (gpointer)pr_dialog );

But all fails - GTK loops forever or core dumped :-[

How can I do _true_ real delete routine for widget?

More info: my dialog is not packed into any other GtkWidget and it
works like the following:

        1. create dialog with stuff;
        2. if user press any dialog's button - _true_ delete dialog and
           call user button's callback fucntion;
        3. if user don't press any dialog's button but call dialog's creation
           routine again don't create _new_ dialog, but show old one (in which
           user don't press any button). [i.e. item 3. is so 'pseudo-modal mode' ]
           Item 3. is like:

                static GtkWidget* dialog = NULL;

                if ( ! dialog )
                        dialog = gcp_dialog_new_show( /* dialog creation stuff - item 1.*/ );
                        /* my function gcp_dialog_new_show defines a callback for any dialog's
                         * button: true delete dialog and call user defined button's callback.
                         * i.e. this it item 2. */
                else /* i.e. item 3. */
                        if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED(dialog) )
                                gtk_widget_show( dialog );
                                gdk_window_raise( dialog->window );

        But as I say - _true_ delete routine fails(I temporary replace it with
        "gtk_widget_destroy"), so: when we get into "else" gialog is not NULL, but
        it can't be neither showed ("gtk_widget_show" dump core) nor raise
        ("gdk_window_raise" dump core) since it's deleted with
        which is not _true_ delete function.

PS. If my explanation or my english is bad - let me now, I try again.

Dmitry Ponomaryov

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