Re: Full-Screen-Application possible with GTK

actually, i was confused by the message.

if you want a gtk app without X, check out gtkfb (from
and the ggi project.

else if you want to write an X proggy that has no window manager bars or
borders, check out xmms (

it also sounds like you want to make a gtk app take up the whole screen
as in the windows standard mdi/mdl or whatever the acronym is :P blender
does this, but it's gui is written in glut and is closed source anyway.
maybe you could query the root window size and set your main window to
that size. any borders would be off the screen if the window was
centered properly.


----- Original Message -----
From: learfox furry ao net
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001 4:32 pm
Subject: Re: Full-Screen-Application possible with GTK 


is it possible to write a fullscreen application with GTK ?

I would like to write a MP3-Player-application so that you 
don't see any
title-bars etc. just the contents of the window. In Windows, 
there is no
problem, but is it also possible with linux ?
Yes! NO problem.

You don't even need Gtk... In Xt you can do something like.

screen = DefaultScreen(display);
display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen);
display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen);
/* create window */
win = XCreateSimpleWindow( display, RootWindow(display, screen),
     x, y, display_width, display_height, border_width,
     BlackPixel(display, screen),
     WhitePixel(display, screen));
I think he is asking if a window can be made 'full screen' such 
that the
window is not operating in a GUI enviroment with other windows.
Not making a GUI window the size of the root window.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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OMNOUMmnne.                  {OMMNNNEEEEOO=_
UOOOBIOOOEOMMn.               'LONMMMMNNEEEOOO=.__..,,..

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