Re: [patch] fixes numerous glib faults and mistypes, also re-whitespaced

    David> print changing values for N, sometimes very low and sometimes in
    David> the many millions.  Again, a strong hint to heap corruption.  On
    David> one development station it segfaults gloriously left and right, on
    David> another the simple removal of the g free() was sufficient for it to
    David> run.  Do keep in mind that the libraries on each of them are
    David> exactly the same and the binary will act in a certain way on
    David> station X regardless of which one it was compiled on.

If someone hasn't already done this, I'll run manedit under Purify later
today.  That way we can unambiguously determine if a problem exists and where.

I think it's in the combo widget's setting of strings routine... let me
confirm thatfirst though, I'll post back later.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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