Re: g_list_append() knows how to duplicate data?

I said that because I was told that it acted like the gtk clist in copying
data in spite of the very simple g_list structure.

Better documentation for gtk/glib would prevent a lot of this.


Havoc Pennington wrote:

learfox furry ao net writes:
   I was just told that g_list_append() takes the second argument and
duplicates it before setting it to the list.

Is this true?


If so how does it know what size the given data is?

It couldn't possibly, as you might expect.

   Also I was told that g_list_free() deallocates each data pointer on
each linked item on the glist, is that true and if so does it know if it
should be deallocated or not or if it has allocated substructures?

Same deal. Someone is smoking some crackpipe. Ask them to share. ;-)


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