Re: Container

On Sat, 2001-12-22 at 21:27, Rafeeq C E wrote:
Hi all,
I have 5 text boxes and a combo box on a GTK
window. The "changed" event handler for combo
box searches for the selected value in database
and displays related infotmation in the text
boxes. I am stuck at this point. The text boxes
cannot be made global. If they were global, I
could have used them in the event handler
function. Is there any way by which I can     
access the components through their container?
 Rafeeq C E

There are lots of ways to do this.
You could get at them through the container use 
this gives you a glist of the children. Doing this is a pain as if your
ui changes it'll break.

If your using glade the simpleist way is just to use 
lookup_widget(myApp, myWidgetsName)
if your not using glade then either:

use the  userData bit of the callback (if you want to to pass more than
1 argument just stick them in a struct)

stick a pointer to them in the instance struct

attach them to a convinent object with gtk_object_set_data

i'd stick a pointer in the instance struct but it probably dosn't matter

hope this helps


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