object oriented programming with GTK

Hi everyone,
i have got some problem with object oriented 
programming with GTK 1.2. I may be posting this 
to a wrong group. Obviously, there can be many 
asking me to contact some group on C++ or 
OOPs.  But I hope someone in this group might 
have already experienced the same kind of 
problems which I have.
I am writing a project management application 
using GTK 1.2 and C++. It's objective is to 
monitor projects, cost estimation, employee 
time sheet and to provide some kind of GANTT 
charts based on task allocation. I am having 
menu entries such as "New Project", "Open 
Project" etc. 
Now i have two design considerations...
    1) I will have base class CWindow which is 
GTK window with apply, ok and cancel buttons. 
I'll write member functions new_project, 
open_project etc. which will be invoked for the 
menu selection of  "New Project", "Open 
Project" etc. respectively. These new_project, 
open_project functions will draw the window 
with necessary text boxes or combo boxe for 
data entry or display of information. 
    2) I will have base class CWindow which is 
GTK window with apply, ok and cancel 
buttons.I'll have derived classes CNewProject, 
COpenProject etc which will encapsulate the 
functioalities of the above mentioned functions 
new_project, open_project etc. respectively.
Can anyone tell me which is the best approach. 
Rafeeq C E 


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