Re: Pass keystrokes to other window

Thank you.

I am sure that the windows are not the same, in fact one is the parent of
the other. It is working fine now ;-)

I have made another "hack" with the events to achieve the same efect with
the TAB key than with the SPACE key in a Clist. In the key_press_event, I
have made:

    if( event->keyval == GDK_Tab ) {
        event->keyval = GDK_space
        return FALSE;

and it works perfectly.

Does anybody knows how to make this in another way?

Havoc Pennington escribió:

Santiago Capel Torres <bluefish ono com> writes:
Hello list: some time ago I sent a message asking how could I resend
a message to another window. I have made this and it is working, but
I would like to know if this is correct:

event->window = otherwindow;

Well, be sure event->window and otherwindow aren't the same, note that
it's broken if they are (you might kill event->window on the first

It's probably pretty dangerous anyway; GDK/GTK certainly doesn't
expect you to do that, and you could break some assumptions of the
system. Also, the event may contain window-specific fields such as


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