Re: auto-scroll clist

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001 20:56:23 -0700 (PDT), castelo said:

 In my application, I have clist that contain 50 data,
 but I only view 10 data at a time. So if I want to
 view all the data I need to scroll it using
 gtkscrollbar. How I want to scroll the data without
 using gtkscrollbar. Like using mouseover on the last
 10 view data, it autoscroll down until the last 50
 data. If there possible? 

You mean you want to manually scroll by having your
application scroll it when it recieves a "motion_notify_event"?

Are you sure you want that? it sounds irritating to the user,
or are you reffering to edge select scroll, where the user
selects an item that is last on the visible edge and the
clist scrolls automatically?  Most apps that, is that
what you wanted?

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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