Re: info requested


read the PostgreSQL Programmer's Guide, usually located in
/usr(/local)/doc/postgresql-x.x.x. (x.x.x is your Postgres version).

Usually you need to include libpq-fe.h which provides functions to
connect to a postgres server and manage databases; it has nothing to
do with Gtk.

It's too much to describe now, just read the docs, they should be
enough (I made pretty complicated database applications with no
knowledge about SQL servers, and only using Postgres docs.)


On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:20:37 +0530
"Srinivas SS" <srinivas bhavanainfo com> wrote:

Dear sir,
how do i connect the gtk programs to the postgres database in linux.
i have an application developed by me which seeks information from users
and shuld save the details given by the user. so how do i store the
details in a  database?
or how can i store it in a xml document?

whats the connection string and other details for postgresql?

plz lemme know asap.



  "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals.
   Then something happened, which unleashed the power of our
   imagination: we learned to talk."         -- Pink Floyd

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