Re: array of widgets...

The problem is simple: the entry array is a local variable (local to
function) and it gets destroyed when you exit the function.

Better try this way:

  GtkWidget **entry;
  entry = (GtkEntry**)malloc(sizeof(GtkEntry*) * 3);


  /* pass it to the signal handler.. */
  gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked",
                     GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(your_func), entry);
} /* function ends here, the entry pointer is lost, but memory remains
   * alloc-ed, so you don't receive an invalid pointer in your signal
   * handler */

Remember to free() this memory at one point when you don't need it

-- mishoo

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001 16:47:50 -0300
"Luiz Octavio de Almeida Soares" <loas procc fiocruz br> wrote:

what's the best way of passing an array of widgets to a callback? I've
many ways but cant seem to get this to work.

imagine sth like:
GtkWidget *entry[3];
GtkWidget *button;

button = gtk_button_new...
entry[0] = gtk_entry_new...
entry[1] ...

and i have a function named my_callback and i want it to receive the
as a parameter when the user clicks the button. I tried many things with
gtk_signal_connect but none of them worked. Can anyone plz come up with
simple solution for this?


  "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals.
   Then something happened, which unleashed the power of our
   imagination: we learned to talk."         -- Pink Floyd

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