Re: Sockets

On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 05:29:46PM +0200 Johan wrote:

How is the best way to handle sockets in a gtk application ?
Is there any signals I can use call a function when a socket
receives data or gets an connection ?

There is a gdk way for doing that:

  socket->input =
      gdk_input_add(socket->fd, GDK_INPUT_READ,
                    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(read_function), socket);

socket is a struct defined by myself.

The read_function might look like this:

gint read_function(gpointer data, gint source,
                   GdkInputCondition condition)
  socket_t *socket;
  unsigned char buffer[1024];
  int res;
  int cnt;
  int i1;
  unsigned long size;

  socket = data;

  if (condition != GDK_INPUT_READ) {
    /* internal function that closes the socket and removes the gdk_input */
    return 1;

  switch ((res = recv(source, buffer, 1024-1, 0))) {  /* source == socket->fd */
  case -1:  /* error */
    return 1;
  case 0:  /* closed by peer */
    return 1;

The read_function is called by gtk if there is data available, or there is
an error, or the connection was closed by the peer.


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