Re: Combo box event question

GtkCombo structure contains a member named "list" of type GtkWidget*. 
This member is a GtkList.  Get it this way:

   GtkWidget *the_list = GTK_COMBO(the_combo)->list;

connect to it's select signal:

   gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(the_list), "selection_changed",
                      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(your_handler), NULL);

hmm.. I don't know for sure if that's the signal's name.. however, about
GtkList you can find detail info in tutorial.


On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 15:48:04 +0930
bjohns44 csc com au wrote:

I did a quick search through the archives and could find nothing on
and event] so I was hoping that someone on the list may know.
The question:
     Is there an event for the combo box that gets fired when a
has been made?
There seems to be no obvious choice. Even used Glade to check events on
combo to see if anything stood out.
My idea:
     I need an event to be fired off when something is selected. ( ie.
dropdown list is in play and one of the choices is clicked an after that
click the window is closed ) Is there any event in there like
for the pop-down window that I could use for something like an

Any ideas?
Brandon Johnson
Systems Engineer - NES
CSC Whyalla
ph: +61-8-8640-4530

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  ... and on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.

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