Re: malloc vs g_malloc

On 02 Aug 2001 11:56:34 -0400, Havoc Pennington said:

 > Is it possible to mix g_malloc (e.g. g_strdup_printf()) and then a normal
 > free() instead of a g_free() ?
 > I do mix them in my application and it seems to be ok under linux, but maybe
 > this could be the reason for the instability under Solaris, etc.
 > Could it be?
 It is not allowed, no. It does work by default, because by default
 g_malloc() is a malloc() wrapper.
 But in principle g_malloc()/g_free() must always be paired, they may
 be a different allocator from plain malloc().

What about calloc()? is there a glib equivilent for that?

Also what about gtk_*() function returns that give pointers
that need to be deallocated, do we use g_free() or free()?

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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