Using CList for inputs...


   I would like to use a CList as an input source for an application I'm
building.  The idea is to have a two-column CList, with the first column
being the name of the input variable and the second being the
corresponding value.  When the input dialog comes up, the values in the
second columns would be set to some defaults, but if the user selects a
row, a cursor appears in the second column which allows them to edit its
contents.  Now then, having read through the online documentation and
tutorials, I still don't see how I can write the row-select callback to
make that second column into an editable item. It's obviously possible,
because several applications use editable CLists, but none of them seem
to do it in a simple way.  Can anyone suggest a simple method for doing

Jim Wiggs
wiggs wiggs org

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