Re: vector drawing programs

JParker coinstar com wrote:

G'Day !

I am working on a vector drawing program.  One of the requirements is that it
may only depend on Gtk+ libraries (ie no GNOME)

I want to be able to use NURBS surfaces and other more "advanced" 3D graphics,
then the primitives available under Gdk.  Are there such objects available or do
I need to create (or extend) my own widget.

The tutorial mentions curves, but it is completely undocumented.  A quick glance
indicates that this may be a cubic spline (?) and 2D only.

You definitely should be using OpenGL for this ... simple, clean API, cross platform, and well supported in hardware acceleration. If you prefer "C" and only need support for X, gtkglarea is the widget for you. If you need C++ and/or support for X and Win32, try the SDPGTK library (yes, it's a shameless plug).

Timothy M. Shead
tshead k-3d com

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