RE: GtkExtra

I have defined GTK_CONFIG, and have the GtkExtra source code in a different
directory from the Gtk+ source code.  Does this sound right to you?  Did you
install GtkExtra using GTK_CONFIG?

                                -- Stupid Genius

From:         Charlie Schmidt[SMTP:ishamael themes org]
Reply To:     Charlie Schmidt
Sent:         Monday, September 11, 2000 4:03 PM
To:   Dugas, Alan
Cc:   gtk-app-devel-list gnome org; gtk-list gnome org
Subject:      RE: GtkExtra

[Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:59:05 -0400] <Dugas, Alan> 

Actually I am using Gtk+-1.2.8.  It's just that when I try to install
 GtkExtra it complains that it can't find Gtk+-1.2.0.  So I am begining
 suspect that it requires Gtk+-1.2.0 but I wanted to see if anyone else
 into this problem.  It sounds like GtkPlot might be useful to me, but
not if
 I have to run Gtk+-1.2.0 to use it.

nope, i use GtkExtra (specifically GtkSheet) in 1.2.8 just fine...
make sure (of course), that if you're compiling GtkExtra, you have the
development headers, and so forth...

Charlie Schmidt - ishamael themes org

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