Re: sizing a list

Is there a simple way to specify the number of rows
I want to be visible in a scrolled GtkCList?

Nobody replied to this, so maybe there's no terse
way to do this -- if there is, I'd still like to hear it.

If there isn't, though, and in case anybody's curious, here's
what I decided to do: I connect to the size_allocate signal, and
then execute the following:


static gint
clist_size_alloc_cb (GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *event, ggobid *gg)
  if (!widget_initialized (w)) {
    gint fheight;
    gint lbearing, rbearing, width, ascent, descent;
    GtkStyle *style;
    GtkCList *clist = GTK_CLIST (w);
    style = gtk_widget_get_style (w);
    gdk_text_extents (style->font,
      "arbitrary string", strlen ("arbitrary string"),
      &lbearing, &rbearing, &width, &ascent, &descent);
    fheight = ascent + descent;

    gtk_widget_set_usize (w, -1,
      CLIST_NROWS_VISIBLE * fheight +
      (CLIST_NROWS_VISIBLE-1) * 1 +  /*-- 1 = CELL_SPACING --*/

    widget_initialize (w, true);

  return true;

widget_initialize() and widget_initialized() are utilities that
protect me from the fact that gtk_widget_set_usize triggers yet
another size_allocate event.


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