Re: GUI very slow when sleep() called...

cyrusp cia com au wrote:


In an app I'm writing I have to put a usleep(100000) call in my
code. However when I do this my gui becomes very slow and unresponsive -
understandibly since I'm doing it in the gtk_main loop...

Is there a way to sleep but refresh the gui at the same time?


Cyrus Patel - cyrus linuxfan com
Dept. of Computer Engineering                           Debian GNU/Linux
University of New South Wales                           (Woody)
Sydney, Australia.                                      ICQ: 50738541   Mobile: 0402 266 731  cyrusmobile linuxfreak com

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

I am not sure it is the rigth way but it works:

  /* Wait the end of the ATM Bit-Error-Rate measure */
  return_code = wait_stopber();
  while ( return_code && (timer < TIME_OUT) )
      update_display(); /* Refresh display & and update widgets's state */
      usleep(500000);   /* Just sleep 1/2 sec to see */
      return_code = wait_stopber(); /* Ask again the results */

Could someone correct me if I am wrong.
Michael PATRIS
mailto:michael patris etca alcatel be       Alcatel TELECOM
Tel: +(32) -71- 44.2960.                  ETCA/TEL Department
Breakthrough: It finally booted on the first try.

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