Re: gtk_widget_show() doesn't "show".

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Joshua Horvath wrote:

If you're creating all this stuff in a single function, I believe all the
"show" events just get queued until you return to the main gtk loop.  So to
have things appear as you create them I think you'd have to do something like



while (gtk_events_pending())

and so on...

   Bingo!  That was it.  I had thought something along these lines, and
even inserted a call to gtk_main_iteration(), but only *one* call, which
was obviously not enough.  I put in that loop, and the problem goes away.

   Many thanks!

Jim Wiggs
wiggs wiggs net


"James K. Wiggs" wrote:


   After I create the top level window and place the notebook in it, I
call gtk_widget_show_all( window ), after I create the scrolled window
I show it, after I create the canvas I show it, I even deliberately add
extra redundant gtk_widget_show() calls for all of the objects before
I try to get the adjustment values.  I even added in a call to
gtk_main_iteration() before getting the adjustment values.  All to no
avail.  It just will not show the items until the very end, and as a
consequence, I can't get valid values for the width and height of the

   Can *anybody* give me any clues as to what's happening, here?

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