Trees And dub.

Hi, i am building an application based on gtk uhmm i use the 1.0.10 i-386 stuff.
The app. makes extensive use of hand-tuned trees and gtk-tree widgets.
Uhmm the program context is a litle bit special cause there are two basic event flows
that require the trees and widgets:
The first one is the user-events, no problem up&running.
The Trickest one is the hardware flow which is pure asynchronous with the app
My dubts are related with the tree item selection. I need to select a tree-item by some software mechanism to issue the "itm_sele..." event and proccess it with the "cb" function. I think that "gtk_tree_select_item" seems OK to do it but:
Q1) Is the deep tree relevant? I mean,  Will there some kind of automatically tree auto-expansion if i software-activate the item "j" of deep "m"?
Q2) Should I perform a step-by-step software expansion

Thanks in advanced

Juan Bautista Romance Gallego
Phone: 34 91 6559500:Ext. 147
Fax: 34 91 6755253
E-mail: Juanba suinsa com


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