Re: doubts in radio button and check button ( gtk)

i added a frame to the layout within a window.
Inside the frame i have added a layout.
within the layout a pixmap is added which occupies the entire frame.
i am adding radiobutton and checkbtn inside the layout of the frame by moving
the pixmap aside.
after placing all the components i moved the pixmap to the original position.
while execution of the program when i clicks on the chkbtn the other
components like labels disappear.
when i click on the radiobtn the other option of the radiobuttongroup just
pls help in this regards.
thanks in advance
It took me a while to figure out what you were trying to do.

But are what you saying trying to create a container widget with first
a pixmap as the `background' and then adding widgets on top of this
pixmap acting as the `background'?

If this is yer situation, then I may be able to help. I've done this
sort of thing before and it requires a trick involving catching of expose
events and redrawing widgets.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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