Re: Help with the "gpointer"

    Pavel> Just curious.. Why?  If campos is (void **) then campos[i] is the
    Pavel> appropriate (void *) and gtk_entry_set_text() should do the correct
    Pavel> cast...

Because gpointer is actually a (void *), you need to either typecast user_data
to either (void **) or (GtkWidget **) to allow indexing.

There are some compiler rules about arithmetic with void * that are probably
getting in the way of his original solution.

BTW, the gtk_entry_set_text() call should have been:

  gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(campos[i]), "");

My fault.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab            Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a
New Mexico State University       school of inattention: people look without
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL             seeing, listen without hearing.
Las Cruces, NM  88003                            -- Robert Bresson

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