Stacks of Pixmaps

I'm developping a game with playcards.
In the main window, there is fixed.
On the fixed several eventboxes.
And in those eventboxes, pixmaps.
I can't manage to set the drawing order of these pixmaps. Some cards should mask part of others, but they seem to be always drawed in the creation order.

How can i set this order?

I tried to do a xwininfo -tree ; it returns:

xwininfo: Window id: 0x3400096 "client"

  Root window id: 0x29 (the root window) (has no name)
  Parent window id: 0x1800153 (has no name)
     1 child:
     0x34000a6 (has no name): ()  250x500+10+10  +416+107
        9 children:
        0x34000af (has no name): ()  71x96+100+400  +516+507
        0x34000ae (has no name): ()  71x96+20+400  +436+507
        0x34000ad (has no name): ()  71x96+120+400  +536+507
        0x34000ac (has no name): ()  71x96+40+400  +456+507
        0x34000ab (has no name): ()  71x96+140+400  +556+507
        0x34000aa (has no name): ()  71x96+30+380  +446+487
        0x34000a9 (has no name): ()  71x96+60+400  +476+507
        0x34000a8 (has no name): ()  71x96+160+400  +576+507
        0x34000a7 (has no name): ()  71x96+80+400  +496+507

Thanks for advance.


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