a signal question which be caused because of changing gtk version

  My program have a question when I change my system from redhat linux 6.2 to redhat linux 7.0.I find gtk's 
version be growed from 1.2.6 to 1.2.8.I don't know whether that is a reason.To get a focus on drawingarea 
when I click left key or right key,I use gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name to stop a key_press_event signal and 
deal with my code.I also use GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS and GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS .In linux 6.2,gtk version is 
1.2.6 ,they are right.But in linux 7.0 ,gtk version is 1.2.8,they are not right.I press key twice,I can only 
get a signal.The Second ,its focus move other widget. Why are there this question?

Best regardes
            rings etang com

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