Re: GtkText widget and right click menus

I got it to work by using gtk_signal_connect_after()
I don't know if it's the right way to do it, but it seems to work.

   Hi, I tried the code you sent me and also using
gtk_signal_connect_after() in my program instead of gtk_signal_connect()
in both cases what happens is when a segment of text is selected and then
I right-click;

   The menu maps but then afterwards any regular clicks on the text
widgets marks a `grey' selection highlighting (instead of the normal blue
selection highlight). Also the grey selection highlight always starts at
the last position I right-clicked.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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OMNOUMmnne.                  {OMMNNNEEEEOO=_
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