Using libghttp - ?


I'm trying to add some trivial http fetching capability to a GTK project
(sending weather data to remote servers, passing the values in the URL).
The project also builds under RISC OS, and I have this function working
OK with that.

libghttp seems to fit my needs nicely - I need asynchronous fetching, to
fit in with the way I have to do it with RISC OS.

I'm sure it's going to work OK, but I see a headache coming on - How can
I set up my to correctly locate the library and headers? I
don't see any config program to find these easily. The m4 macro that
I've found seems to be tied in with Gnome, but my program doesn't use
Gnome, so I want to avoid this. Hoping to find the autoconf/automake
book under the Christmas tree in a bit - but till then I'm a total
novice as regards, so any help would be much appreciated.


Simon Melhuish

Dr. Simon J. Melhuish

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