Re: Problem with resizing frames

On Sat, Dec 02, 2000 at 02:50:14AM +0100, Kjetil Thuen wrote:
I am working on an app, and have recently come across a problem. Its a
little hard to explain, so I have isolated the problem in small example
to help illustrate the problem.

The example consists of the following widgets:

|Top Level window
 |_scrolled window
       | |_vbox
       |   |_button1
       |   |_frame2
       |     |_button2

frame 2 will be hidden or shown when the togglebutton is toggled. When
this happens. I want frame1 to decrease its size to reflect the change,
but instead button1 increases its size. 

maybe someting like this:

toggled (GtkToggleButton *togglebutton)
   if (togglebutton->active) 
      gtk_widget_hide (gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(window),"frame3"));
      gtk_widget_show (gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(window),"frame3"));

     /* pass in to this function vbox1 that you declared in main() and... */
         gtk_widget_queue_resize (vbox1);



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