Re: [gthumb-list] Date fields in gThumb 3 comments

On 10/13/2013 04:36 AM, Paolo Bacchilega wrote:
Il 13/10/2013 10:57, Rennie deGraaf ha scritto:

Like gThumb 2, gThumb 3 stores comment data both in an XML comment file
and in IPTC tags.  In gThumb 2, the IPTC date was treated as
authoritative: if the comment file was missing or the date differed, the
comment file date would be replaced with the IPTC one.

This seems to have changed in gThumb 3. If the comment file is missing,
the date is re-created from the EXIF date, rather than the IPTC date.
Further, the default behaviour in the comment/metadata dialog is to
replace the date with the EXIF date, even if an IPTC date and comment
date are already set.
the date is read from the following fields, in decreasing priority order:


I don't know why the IPTC date is not present, maybe it was just

This new behaviour is a problem for me.  I keep my camera clock in UTC
so that I don't need to worry about changing the camera clock when I
travel.  However, I want the display date on my photos to reflect the
local time zone where they were taken, so I change the time in the
comment.  With the gThumb 3 behaviour, I need to manually correct the
time every time I edit a photo's comment, rather than just editing it
the first time and trusting gThumb to leave it as I left it.

Is there any particular reason for the new behaviour?  If not, any
chance that it could be reverted to the old gThumb behaviour?
gThumb 3 has two possible behaviours, that you can change in the
preferences dialog:

1) keep the embedded metadata in sync with the XML metadata: in this
   case after reading the embedded metadata the XML metadata is
   updated if it differs; when writing the metadata both embedded and
   XML metadata are updated.

2) embedded metadata is not updated: in this case after reading the
   embedded metadata:
   *) if there isn't a XML comment file, the XML metadata
      is updated with the embedded metadata.
   *) if a XML comment file exists, the embedded metadata is ignored.

- Paolo
Is there any way to make the date field in the comments dialog default
to "Do not modify"?


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