Re: [gthumb-list] gThumb 3.1.1 released

Il giorno mar, 13/11/2012 alle 20.00 +0100, Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:
Il giorno mar, 13/11/2012 alle 13.37 +0100, Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:
Regression: In the bulk rezise dialog, target folder is now previous
folder/.comments, and actually it's not easy to revert to previous
folder, because .comments will come back; in order to resize to the same
folder you must  click on other and selecting other folder before
reselecting the same.

Well, actually it happens if the .comment folder exists

The weird thing is that for some directories, but not for all,
the .comments folder is created automatically.

In this .comment dir I found:
- a file like .goutputstream-S3KXNW: it is created and deleted
continually, at the maximum speed the hd allows, every time with
different final letters-numbers, without stopping ever. This seems to be
producing the cpu and hard disk hogging reported in
- a file which in my case has the name
Messa_Defunti_Centro_Sociale_2012-11-13--16.38.48.jpg.xml and the

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<comment version="3.0">
Projection: Rectilinear (0)
FOV: 80 x 93
Ev: 8.73</note>

The name of this file is that of a panorama image created with hugin,
Messa_Defunti_Centro_Sociale_2012-11-13--16.38.48.jpg, which is in the
directory where the .comments subdir is created.

Even if I rm the .comments dir, gthumb keeps creating it with the above
explained content if it is open on that dir

If I move the image to another folder, gthumb stops hogging cpu and hd,
at least until I go to the dir where I moved the image.

I'm attacching the image that produces the problem, and a screenshot of
what appears on the bottom-left corner if I activate the properties
pane: actually is the content of the xml file I reported above.

Paolo, I'm going to thank you very much if you can solve this bug, it's
really very annoying. And it makes very risky to put one's home dir on a
ssd, because the ssd would receive a series of create-delete file which
could compromise it in a short time.

Il giorno dom, 23/09/2012 alle 21.34 +0200, Paolo Bacchilega ha scritto:
gThumb 3.1.1 is now available for download at:


This is the first release of the 3.1.x development series that will lead 
to the next stable version.

What is gThumb

gThumb is an image viewer and browser utility for the GNOME environment.
The README file distributed with the tar archive contains a complete 
list of features and the instructions to compile the source. The 
complete description, screenshots and other info are available at

Overview of changes from gThumb 3.0.2 to 3.1.1

  New features and user visible changes:

   * Added ability to load and save WebP images.
   * Allow to specify the format options when saving a file (can be
   * Save and restore the window maximized state, the filterbar status,
     the visited locations history and the viewer sidebar status.
   * Image viewer: use the dark background by default, and use a more
     neutral color instead of black.
   * Video viewer: save and restore the volume level.
   * Read system bookmarks from XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/bookmarks.
     Fallback to ~/.gtk-bookmarks if the new file is not found. (#675401)
   * Use XDG_CACHE_HOME/thumbnails as thumbnail cache. Fallback to the
     old ~/.thumbnails directory if the new directory doesn't exists.
   * File list: align the caption to the left and use a smaller font.
   * Browser: show loading errors in the info bar instead of using a
     modal dialog.
   * Added automatic completion to the category entry.
   * Rotation tool: allow to rotate an image from -180 to 180 degrees.
   * Selections: allow to cut the files.
   * Added a menu item to hide/show the file properties.
   * Print: set a good default filename for the print-to-file operation.
   * Enhance colors: use a faster algorithm and rename to "Adjust
   * Equalize histogram: use a faster algorithm.
   * Desaturate tool: added ability to choose the method to use, renamed
     to "Grayscale".
   * Removed the format chooser from the file dialog.
   * Added an high resolution application icon.
   * Add an application menu if used with GNOME Shell.

  Bugs fixed:

   * Fixed image quality when the zoom factor is smaller then 0.5.
   * Do not make modal dialogs block other windows as well.
   * Find duplicates: remember the checked state when filtering the file
     list. (#679191)
   * Sort by name if the date is the same. (#676263)

  New or updated application translations:

   * Chinese (Hong Kong) (taijuin)
   * Chinese (simplified) (tuhaihe)
   * Chinese/Traditional (taijuin)
   * Czech (Marek Černocký)
   * Español (Daniel Mustieles)
   * Hungarian (Gabor Kelemen)
   * Indonesian (Andika Triwidada)
   * Italiano (Gianvito Cavasoli)
   * Latvian (Rūdolfs Mazurs)
   * Lietuvių (Aurimas Černius)
   * Polish (Piotr Drąg)
   * Slovenian (Matej Urbančič)
   * Greek (Tom Tryfonidis)

  New or updated manual translations:

   * Deutsch (Daniel Winzen)
   * Slovenian (Andrej Žnidaršič)


This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
License (GNU GPL) version 2 or greater. You can find a copy of the 
license in the file COPYING.

September 23th, 2012

Paolo Bacchilega
gthumb-list mailing list
gthumb-list gnome org

Paolo Benvenuto - Cathopedia, l'enciclopedia cattolica "on

Attachment: Schermata del 2012-11-20 23:52:15.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Messa_Defunti_Centro_Sociale_2012-11-13--16.38.48.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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