Re: [gthumb-list] gthumb feedback

On 24/02/10 16:28, Paolo Bacchilega wrote:
Jef Driesen ha scritto:
1. Extension manager and preferences

Is there a good reason why the extension manager is a separate window?
How about moving it to a new tab in the preference dialog (like gedit

Extension preferences are not always handled consistently. Some
extensions have their own preferences dialog, while others seem to
integrate into the main preferences dialog. The importer has a
preference dialog that is only accessible from the import window itself.
in order to make the preferences dialog really useful to the user it
shouldn't be overfilled with a lot of options, in the extensions dialog
there are very technical preferences such as the ability to keep in sync
the comments with the embedded metadata.  The importer preferences are
really useful only when the user is going to import files.
I didn't mean that all plugin options should go into the preferences 
dialog. It's fine to have separate preferences dialogs for each plugin, 
but it would be nice if the plugin dialog itself would be integrated as 
a new tab into the main preferences dialog. Because that's the place 
where I expect to configure gthumb, and enabling/disabling plugins is 
part of that workflow.
For the importer preferences, my idea was that it would be nice if you 
could also configure the plugin from the extension dialog, because 
that's where you can configure all other plugins. Accessing the settings 
directly from the importer dialog is a handy shortcut of course.
2. Tools toolbar button

When clicking the Tools toolbar button, a dropdown menu is shown. I
think it would be a good idea to add a dropdown arrow to this button
to indicate that.
When replacing the GthToggleMenuToolButton (btw what is the purpose of 
this custom widget?) with a GtkMenuToolButton, both the icon and the 
dropdown arrow are clickable. What should happen when you click the 
icon? Show the personalize dialog, execute the most recent used tool 
again (in which case the icon may need to show that tool), or even 
something else?
4. File properties

I would rename the metadata edit dialog to the more general
properties. I think people are more familiar with that name, and I can
image there are other uses for that dialog (plugins) that are not
directly related to the metadata.

As a photographer, I like to have immediate access to the photographic
settings (aperture, shutter, iso, etc). Maybe we could provide a
summary view of the most important settings, along with a detailed
view that shows everything. Both in the metadata/properties dialog and
the properties side pane. Eog does that with a "Metadata" tab and
"Details" tab in its Properties dialog, and it works really well for
me. (Note that being able to customize the caption in browser mode is
already a very nice feature!)
The metadata dialog is used the edit the metadata while the properties
pane for viewing it.  The aperture, shutter and other are the first in
the "Exif Conditions" category, maybe we can move the "Exif Conditions"
category before "Exif General" to make it more visible.
For me, the major problem is that the interesting info (aperture, 
shutter, iso, etc) is quite limited. But it's hard to locate between the 
other metadata because there is so many of it. I'm not saying that the 
full metadata should be removed (definitely not), but having a summary 
view would help a lot. At the moment, the gthumb sidebar has a sidepane 
with a combobox which offers only a "Properties" options. We could use 
this combobox to provide different types of views (maybe even 
customizable ones?)
To see what I mean, have a look at this screenshot from Adobe Lightroom, 
which allows you to choose between different views in it's sidebar:

Or this one from Adobe Bridge, which has a graphical view at the top with the aperture, iso, etc:

5. Camera import

How about making the importer a little smarter by pre-selecting
images? I don't know what is technically possible, but my suggestion
is to remember the timestamp of the last import (maybe we need to
store one timestamp for each import source here). During the next
import, we can then pre-select all images that are newer than this
timestamp. This would save some time when users are keeping their
photos on the camera for a while. Downloading all images again, or
having to locate the new photos manually can be very inconvenient.
I think this is doable

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