Re: [gthumb-list] help/zh_CN

Matthias Hawran wrote:
Hi all,

git status tells me help/zh_CN is untracked.
This directory and content (gthumb.xml, zh_CN.po) is generated by make.
Shouldn't help/zh_CN/zh_CN.po (at least) be committed ?

Hmm, something is wrong here...

The real zh_CN.po file was in doc/zh_CN, but I deleted that because it shouldn't have been in the doc folder.

It can be restored and be moved to help/zh_CN using:

git revert 353ed9ad1af083136aa8a5cbca08f3a7a542b016
mv doc/zh_CN/zh_CN.po help/zh_CN/
git add help/zh_CN

... but then "make" fails, and I don't know why. Does anyone see the problem? Is the zh_CN.po file hopelessly broken?

- Mike

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