Re: [gthumb-list] ext branch crashes

On 08/12/2009 03:11 AM, Paolo Bacchilega wrote:
Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak ha scritto:
I'm trying to run the ext branch for the first time. Compiled with:

./ --prefix=/usr CFLAGS="-ggdb" --libdir '/usr/lib64'
--build x86_64


to run gthumb without installing you have to pass --enable-run-in-place

I was trying to install to /usr/bin/gthumb, and I did "make install". Something doesn't work right.

If I use --enable-run-in-place and run the local executable, I get a different crash:

#0 0x0000003e05629e6c in g_hash_table_lookup () from /lib64/ #1 0x0000000000472b62 in gth_main_get_sort_type (name=0x4950e2 "gth::file::mtime") at gth-main.c:578 #2 0x00000000004457b3 in gth_browser_set_sort_order (browser=0x76b020, sort_type=0x0, inverse=0) at gth-browser.c:3569

I hope this is helpful...

- Mike

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