Re: What about GrlMedia resolving?

On Tue, 2014-11-04 at 23:58 +0100, Guilhem Bonnefille wrote:

I revive my project to create a plugin for weboob. In order to refresh
my code, I merged my topic branch into grilo-plugins-0.2.13 (my topic
branch was started on grilo-plugins-0.2.12).

After fixing some issues, I'm faced to something too complex for me:
Totem no more play the selected media. Instead, I have the following
error message:

Totem-WARNING **: Cannot find URL for 044916-000_PLUS7-F arte (source:
grl-weboob-arte), please file a bug at

After some debug, I realized that totem do not fire a grl-resolve on
my GrlMedia. And the GrlMedia created by the grl-browse function of my
plugin do not have the url. This information is computed in the
grl-resolve function of my plugin (need a second call to weboob).

Can you give me an help? What should I do to fix this issue?
Totem just passes the URL to totem-pl-parser, which then uses quvi to
resolve the URL. Totem doesn't call resolve() in grilo plugins when a
URL is missing.

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