Re: Documentation on writing a Grilo plugin

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 09:37 +0200, Víctor M. Jáquez L. wrote:
> > I have reviewed the notes on and am presently
> > reading some of the source code for the existing plugins. Does there
> > exist any high level documentation of the plugin API? 
> Check out the documentation in gtkdoc, Iago wrote some bits about that topic,
> though, I don't know if they are properly updated.

Documentation is updated, but it is still far incomplete. I've planned
to improve it covering all aspects in Grilo from using it to how to
write a plugin, and all concepts involved.

In any case, do not hesitate to contact with me or any other Grilo
developer. You can find us in #grilo channel at (not sure
if I will be connected today Monday 30th). My nickname is jasuarez.

> > Has anyone yet written a plugin using Vala? 
> Noup, but it looks an interesting experiment to do.
> > Could such a plugin be accepted into grilo-plugins?
> Vala bindings are part of the project, so I don't see why not.

Well, for sure Vala bindings are in the project, as well as other
bindings thanks to introspection.

Those bindings have been provided to write clients accessing Grilo
functionality. Not sure if they are enough to write also plugins. In any
case, do not hesitate to contact with us by IRC.


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