Re: Removing empty keys from GrlData

On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 18:39 +0100, Juan A. Suárez Romero wrote:
> So I'm going to remove that possibility from GrlData. That is, all
> keys
> in GrlData will need to have a value.

While working on this, I found some 'doubts' about a couple of functions
in GrlData.

As reminder, GrlData handles keys (and related keys) that can have
multiple values.

As example, let's think in url, and two of its related keys, mime-type,
and bitrate.

Let's figure out that our media has 5 urls, but only 3 of them have a
mime-type. And none of them have a known bitrate. As example

{ "";, NULL, NULL }
{ "";, "audio/mp3", NULL }
{ "";, NULL, NULL }
{ "";, "audio/ogg", NULL }
{ "";, "audio/wav", NULL }

So we have added those 2 related keys in our GrlData. Now the doubts

1.a) What grl_data_has_key (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_URL) should return? 
1.b) What grl_data_has_key (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_MIME) should return?
1.c) What grl_data_has_key (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_BITRATE) should

In current implementation, all functions return TRUE. The reason is that
this function returns TRUE if the asked key or any related key has a

2) What grl_data_get_keys (data) should return?

In current implementation, it returns the three keys:
grl_data_get_keys() returns all keys in GrlData as well as the related

I think this has something to do with the work to do here: seems logical
that bitrate shouldn't be returned, as it does not have any value.

But what about mime? If get_keys() only checks the first value, then
clearly it should only return url. But if it checks all values, then
mime should also be returned.

Thus, we should decide if this function should only check the first
value or not.

3.a) What grl_data_key_is_known (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_URL) should
3.b) What grl_data_key_is_known (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_MIME) should
3.a) What grl_data_key_is_known (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_BITRATE) should

In current implementation, this function only checks the first value,
and thus would return TRUE, FALSE, FALSE.

4.a) What grl_data_length (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_URL) should return?
4.b) What grl_data_length (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_MIME) should return?
4.c) What grl_data_length (data, GRL_METADATA_KEY_BITRATE) should

In current implementation, all of them returns 5: checks how many
elements the key and related keys have.

And this has something to do also with this proposal: shouldn't this
function return 5, 3 and 0 respectively?

5.a) What grl_data_get_all_single_related_keys (data,
GRL_METADATA_KEY_URL) should return?
5.b) What grl_data_get_all_single_related_keys (data,
GRL_METADATA_KEY_MIME) should return?
5.c) What grl_data_get_all_single_related_keys (data,

In current implementation (which btw doesn't honour to what
documentation says), all of them returns the list with the 5 related
keys with their values.

Now, I wonder if (5.a) shouldn't return a list with the 5 url values,
(5.b) a list with the 3 mimetypes values, and (5.c) an empty list.

Thanks in advance for your opinions.


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