Re: Filtering by type

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 13:32:37 +0100, "Juan A." Suárez Romero <jasuarez igalia com> wrote:

Some days ago, Iago sent a proposal to have a "filtered" search(), that
would search data that matches a criteria. Thus, we can search by
artist, album, ..., or combinations of them.

The proposal here is not a replacement, but a complement of Iago
proposal. Both would live together.

First of all, let me show you an user case. Lets think I'm implementing
a ImageViewer using Grilo. Of course, I'm only interested in
GrlMediaImage content. So when using browse()/search()/whatever
function, I must filter the content to just get what I'm interested in.

It would be good to have a way of telling Grilo that I'm only interested in specific content. Doing the filtering myself means that plugins are
doing unneeded work.

Notice that Iago's proposal just focus in the search() operation, while
here we are interested in other operations, like browse().

So the proposal here is to use the GrlMetadatadataResolutionFlags to add
flags about which kind of content the client is interested.

Thus, in the user case exposed above, we can have a GRL_RESOLVE_IMAGE to
just get GrlMediaImages and forget about other results[1].

If we are implementing a audio-video multimedia player, we can user
GRL_RESOLVE_VIDEO | GRL_RESOLVE_AUDIO to get only audios and videos, and
forgetting about photos[1].

From plugins pov, they can check if user is asking for content that they can provide; for instance, Jamendo will check if GRL_RESOLVE_AUDIO is in the flags; if not, then it will invoke the callback() with no results;
else it will perform as usually.

This proposal has the advantage that it doesn't needs a change in the
api: we can use the same api.

I think that I already discussed this proposal with Iago, and he agreed
that we can do it as a first approach.

As usual, comments are welcomed.

Actually, the reason I sent the other proposal is because in the end, this you are proposing is no more than a patch to a bigger problem.

Filtering by using the flags is a possibility indeed, but by no means looks like the proper way to do such thing. Filtering by date is something that probably makes sense too, something we might end in the future even if for now we could live only with the content-type filter, so for me if we want to do something about this we need to define a filtering API, trying to be conservative with its scope and increase it as things are needed, but we need the filtering API.

The flags were not intended to be used like filters. They can be used only for certain kind of filters (you would not be able to use them to filter by date for example), but that's not their purpose. If we need filtering let's do it right and add filtering API, even if we want to make it simple. Let's not mix things that are not the same.

Also, there is no point in having both a filtering API (which you can use to filter by content type and other things) and then the flags (which would also allow you to filter by content-type). Makes no sense IMO. Let's use the filter API for filtering and let's use the flags for what they were intended to be used for.

So summing up, my opinion is that we should discard the idea of filtering using flags and focus only on adding the filter API. Sorry that I did not mention this explicitly in the email were I proposed to add a filtering API, I thought it would be obvious that it was intended to be a complement of this option.


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