Re: [PATCH 0/3] RFC: JavaScript alternative branch and GObject Introspection

On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 20:33 +0200, Simón Pena wrote:
> What I suggest with this patches is to create a branch in the
> repository:
> either in gitorious or in the GNOME infrastructure.

So, if I understand correctly, you propose pushing those patches to a
branch because actually are more a hack than a final solution.

In that case, I agree with making a gjs branch, so people can try (at
their own risk) with this gjs bindings.

> Besides, I think we
> should close bug #616961 (about Grilo's lack of introspection data),
> and
> open a specific one about JavaScript's lack of support for GrlKeyIDs,
> marking it as blocked by JavaScript's one. What do you think? 

Yes, I agree. I think problems described in GB#61961 have been already


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