On 30/11/2018 21:16, Damon Chaplin wrote:
On Sun, 2018-11-25 at 17:12 +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe via goocanvas-list 
gscan2pdf uses goocanvas to display the OCR output.

A user has asked how to change the colours of the fore- and
of the canvas and I haven't managed to work out what CSS is needed to
do so (without changing the everything else).

Obviously the CSS would then end up in


I'm not sure you can do it with CSS, but you could use a preferences
dialog and set the colors directly in the code.

After some more investigation, I've found that you can extract the
foreground colour with:

   my $style        = $self->get_style_context;
   my $color_string = $style->get_color('normal')->to_string;

Convert it to hex with:

   if ( $color_string =~ /^rgb[(](\d+),(\d+),(\d+)[)]$/smx ) {
        $color_hex = sprintf '#%02x%02x%02x', ( $1, $2, $3 );

Which you can use as the "stroke-color" or "fill-color", etc.

If you name the canvas widget with something like:


Adding something like the following to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css will
allow you to theme just your widget:

#my-canvas-widget-name {
  color: red;



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